Sunday, May 25, 2008

Absolute Surety And Sales

Carlos Castaneda has beautifully described that every individual who seeks knowledge has to approach it as a warrior. He mentions 4 conditions that have to be satisfied for the same viz.
1) High Alertness
2) Fear
3) Respect
4) Absolute surety

The interesting point to notice is the 4th point which mentions that if an individual does not believe, he is going to win, he/she will surely loose. One cannot have the time to entertain thoughts of loss et al when you are in the firing zone.

The question is, do all the conditionalities mentioned above apply while approaching Sales Targets? To a large extent, my answer is Yes. There has to be alertness to Sales opportunities, Fear of no knowing where it’s going to come from, Respect – Well not sure how this applies, But definitely, without the belief and surety that Sales targets are going to be met, it is difficult to consistently meet expectations (The role of target setting and shaping of belief/surety can be debated but perhaps in a later blog)

1 comment:

Sharona said...

Interesting take on Sales attitude required.