Friday, December 25, 2009


In one of the business presentation I read for an organization still struggling to come out of red, the roadmap for 2010 by the management was summed up in two words, RUTHLESS EXECUTION.

This got me thinking about the term ruthless execution within the context of an organization especially one which is trying to get in the black. There are two points that this term evokes in me

1) Firstly, the term presupposes that the business model is fairly robust and the challenge is now in implementation
2) That implementation has to be carried out with military precision, hence discipline the greatest need of the hour.

Great! Certainty is extremely comforting. My concern and the challenge is see is that there is no historical data to state that the model is fairly accurate. Since what has been done in the past with the refining of models has not yielded results, I am skeptical as to the process of arriving at a conclusion that the model is robust.

Secondly, as I strongly believe we work well with emerging realities rather than with designed futures, then the model should always be responsive to change in the environment.

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